Palm Vein Authentication Technology


Vein Identification is a type of biometric procedural authentication that uses pattern reorganization techniques with the help of human vein finger image patterns. This is one of the common methods used in companies for person’s identifications systems. Various biometric machines are being used for their presence, and now this latest technology is very effective. Contactless technology consists of software technology and image sensing. The vein sensor takes a snapshot of the image by passing the infrared rays in the user’s palm. Then the translated vein matched with the registered pattern using the software. The identification system is important in public hot spots and other private places where standards of hygiene are required, like medical applications. Some experiments were performed by Fujitsu, which confirming a FAR of 0.00008 percent, FRR of 0.01 percent. The condition was that a person has to hold the pal under the scanning systems for three-phase scanning at the time of registration. After that, the final scanning phase is activated for authentication. Following data was used to analyze and confirm the accuracy of the technology.

Authentication Technology● 6 year old to 85-year-old people data of several backgrounds according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


At hospitals, it’s imperative to use these technologies to maintain the proper hygiene of the premises. This type of product development has been triggered towards finances. In Japan when a customer wants to use an ATM machine to withdraw cash then he or she has to go through the palm vein authentication procedure to confirm that the user is authentic according to the bank records for the successful completion of the transactions. In India, ATM thefts have now been in the daily sight of newspapers, the public, and the police. Any ATM located at a place where sometimes no public movements are and if any highway rover wants to withdraw cash in case of emergency, he is the victim of cash stealing. Banks in Japan have been using the technology for the past two years. When a new customer opens an account with any bank in Japan, in addition to credit and debit cards, the bank also issues a smart card consisting of the customer’s vein pattern of opts palm. A device fitted in an ATM that scans the vein patterns then transfers the signals to the smart card. The card then matches the registered pattern with the transferred pattern and further asks the machine to proceed with the transaction. Japan is now developing Pal vein authentication sensors in ATMs, which would make the process more quick and efficient.

Currently, in India, the development is going, and by the middle of 2015, the project would be initiated and completed in 6-7 years for the proper working of the machines. Security guards would now be set free as companies are investing heavily in human resources to secure ATM locations.