In today’s modern world fully equipped with technology, there is an innovation seen in every sphere. Electronic cigarettes are one such innovation that, in addition to being a welcome change from the traditional tobacco cigarettes and cigars, have a whole host of advantages. The advantages of these electronic cigarettes, also known as vapes, are listed below-


  1. You can vape in many locations- there are several restrictions placed on where you can smoke. While there are also restrictions for vapes, these are not as intense as those for smoking.
  2. Heightened sense of smell- smoking regular cigarettes results in a drastic reduction in your sense of smell. While you may not realize it, switching to electronic cigarettes will gradually restore this sense.
  3. Heightened sense of taste- regularly smoking tobacco cigarettes can result in you losing some part of your sense of taste because of the fulling effects of the tobacco. Switching to electronic cigarettes can allow you to re-build this taste and start enjoying your meals in a completely new way.
  4. More flavors available- compared to the limited range of flavors that are still tinged with the taste of tobacco in regular cigarettes, vape e-juices come in various tastes, including chocolate, strawberry, and even bubblegum.
  5. Cost-effective- compared to the money you would spend on traditional cigarettes, vapes are a lot less expensive. This is especially true if you opt for reusable devices that only require you to refill your cartridges.
  6. Adjust nicotine levels- this is a huge benefit for those trying to quit smoking. Vapes come with the option to adjust the amount of nicotine you take in without altering the taste of what you are smoking. You can ultimately reach a level with no nicotine when you vape
  7. Odor-free experience is one of the biggest advantages of using a vape as there is no smoke emitted from an e-cigarette. This ensures that no smell hangs about you or your surroundings in the way that tobacco does
  8. Better breathing and improved circulation- while there is no research to substantiate the positives of vaping, the negatives associated with traditional smoking are many and well known. The lack of smoke that an electrical cigarette provides you with allows you to breathe easier and simultaneously improves air circulation through your body. This will, in turn, allow you to walk longer distances and climb stairs with lesser discomfort.
  9. Safety from fire- since electronic cigarettes do not need combustion, there is no fear of accidentally starting fires or burning anything. This is a huge relief, especially for young children who are prone to hurting themselves in their curiosity.
  10. No need for ashtrays- with tobacco cigarettes comes a need for ashtrays for the ash and to dispose of cigarette butts. This completely disappears with electronic cigarettes as you do not have to dispose of anything after smoking. If you are a regular smoker, this will go a long way in keeping your house clean.

If the benefits listed in this article have convinced you to switch from smoking tobacco cigarettes to vapes, Clouded Minds Vape Shoppe is the place to go for everything you want. Click on http://cloudedmindsvape.com/ to view their host of products as well as their competitive prices!