Money Making Techniques Through Bloggers Blog For The Newbies


Are you looking to make some extra cash? With so many great free resources on the web, it is now easier to do that. One of my favorite platforms to make money is Blogger. Blogger is a free blogging platform coming straight from the house of Google and is also one of the easiest ways to get started. The first thing that you need to do is decide on a name and theme and start posting. There are still a few extra things that you need to do to make your blog profitable instead of just posting content without any purpose. Let me give you some of the best ways to earn decent money from a free Blogger blog.

Techniques Before setting up a blog, you need to spend a little time thinking about what you will write about in the blog. The reason for doing this is to decide on the best name for your blog. While writing the name, it is important to include the main keywords in the title because you don’t like missing out on every opportunity to boost the rankings of your website on the major search engines. The title and the subheading need to correspond to your blog’s theme, so if you are going to write about recipes, you have to think of something like as it would be appropriate and also increase your chances of getting better rankings in the major search engines.


If you decide to create a blog about food recipes, you need to have unique and detailed knowledge about the topic. After deciding the topic, you can proceed with writing the content of your blog. Log on to and follow the instructions that are given there to get started. Once you are done reading all the instructions, then you can start by writing your first post. If you are not sure about what you should write in the blog, you can think about keeping your readers interested in your blog. This is only possible if you have something new, something they haven’t seen or heard before. The most common topic that I have seen on the blogs is the tips on making money online or choosing the perfect cosmetics for your skin tone.

Having the right content is extremely important, as it will give you the desired results on the search engines. Once you have started receiving traffic, then you can add some money-making features to your blog. The easiest way to earn money is by writing reviews for the top products in your niche. You can also earn a huge commission with it. You’ll need to tie each post into the website’s theme, so you can’t just write about random topics and hope to make profits with them. You are solely responsible for finding ways to get more visitors and revenues.