Any conversation regarding the largest metropolitan areas in Canada and North America would certainly include Ottawa. It has a population of over 1 million and is emerging as a powerful economic and technological center. These advancements, however, have not led to a total overhaul of the beautiful place into a concrete jungle with unclean air and noisy surroundings. Instead, the city of Ottawa is an area that can still boast of its family-friendly environment and peace-loving neighbors. Somehow, the town has managed to keep the old-school-friendly vibe of communities. All these factors make a living in Ottawa a nice option. For that, it would be beneficial to get acquainted with some of the popular residential neighborhoods in Ottawa.
1. Alta Vista
Alta Vista is a residential neighborhood situated in the west wing of Ottawa. Having been built in the 1960s, the neighborhood contains quite large houses compared to contemporary buildings. The area’s serenity, along with its old charm, makes the place a wonderful stay for families with children. The Ottawa Hospital is just a few minutes away from this area, making it a fit choice for doctors, too.
2. Rothwell Heights and Blackburn Hamlet
These two neighborhoods of the east wing of Ottawa will surely remind you of those beautiful pictures that you see on calendars. The area is beautifully picturesque, with gorgeous gardens, beautiful houses, and a lot of cyclists. If you want to move a decade further than the ’60s, then this place might just be it. It has a charm of the ’70s, and now and then, you would come across many senior citizens in the area. The property rates are quite steep in this part of Ottawa, so you might want to consider talking to professional mortgage brokers.
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3. Bridlewood- Emerald Meadows Area
If you are looking for a new charm with brilliant construction, then the Bridlewood- Emerald Meadows area is going to be your buy. It is perfect for young couples. Evidently, it houses most of the young families. The only low point of this area is its traffic compared to the other areas mentioned above. Nevertheless, it is a highly safe option with a nice and chic urban appeal to it.
4. Orleans Village
If you want an affordable home that is also nice and cozy with the warmth of the neighbors and the safety of a cocoon, then Orleans Village is the place to be. The place strikes a perfect balance between cost and living standards. The area has less traffic and is well managed by the residents. While buying a house, you must make sure that you consider the aspect of the cost of the house and the living expenses in their entirety. A house demands maintenance, a factor that most of us ignore while investing in our dream homes. Choose wisely before heading towards your perfect home to make your lifelong stay worthwhile and without any regrets. To make a more informed decision, never hesitate to talk to a professional broker. They know the areas and specific locations inside and can help you attain your haven swiftly and correctly. If you are looking for a home for sale in Ottawa, you can reach us at.