How Modern Businesses Identify Talent


Identifying talent is one of the most important aspects of modern Human Resources work. Many businesses prefer to promote employees internally – retaining the expertise employees gain within an organization while filling senior roles. Promoting employees internally is more financially efficient than finding a senior employee and poaching them outside. Outside hiring is a costly and time-consuming affair. Promoting employees from within is also good for the overall morale of a business’ employees – demonstrating the potential for career advancement and maintaining the social balance of the workplace. However, identifying the right employees for promotion is no easy task. Modern businesses need to make use of several methods for identifying talent. Here is a quick guide to some of the most superior tactics.

What Is Talent Management in 2022?

The 9-Box Grid

In business, the 9-box grid is a multi-purpose method of assessing the properties of an asset. It was first developed in the 1970s by McKinsey and used by General Electric company to evaluate possible investments. The grid system was quickly adopted by HR professionals looking to quantify the qualities of employees within organizations. It is now one of the most common ways to identify talent in preparation for promotions. The grid forms a comparative grouping of attributes from low to high on both the x and y-axis. It is commonly used to assess talent performance during regular assessment meetings.

Engagement And Monitoring

To nurture talent within an organization is necengagingkforce members while monitoring their potential continuously. The 9-b is necessary, or the grid is essential to assessing monitoring and engagement. Still, it cannot be used without the aid of strategies for keeping tabs on how an employee is engaging. Frequent meetings, personal reviews, and a gradual increase of responsibility are all used to gain engagement and monitoring data. Using this data, a business leader typically plans out the potential next steps for an employee – slowly introducing them to more advanced leadership concepts before finally assessing them for promotion.

Education And Assessment

Ongoing education programs are one of the best ways for a company to single out talent for eventual promotion. Educational programs designed to train and identify future leaders within a business can include modules on leadership, technical skills, supervisory skills, project management, and strategic planning. All employees should be allowed to engage with education within an organization. Those members of staff that employ the most competently and enthusiastically with educational programs can be singled out and nurtured as potential candidates for promotion.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT (standing for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) has long been used for businesses to analyze strategic planning options. It is now being frequently used in a talent management and identification role. Many companies use the SWOT model to scout potential talent. Although less focused than the 9-box grid analysis method, it is far quicker to draw up when making initial considerations.