You will need to obtain an EIN when forming a limited liability corporation or an LLC. Also known as an Employer Identification Number, an EIN is used by the IRS to identify your business. You will need this number to file taxes, pay employees, and open a bank account for your business. To apply for EIN, you can easily do so online. Don’t worry about finding the right federal offices to complete an application in person. Use Gov Doc Filing and complete the application online in just a few minutes.
Online EIN Application
You must first choose your business entity type to apply for an EIN online. In this category, you would prefer an LLC because you are starting this type of business. The application required for an LLC EIN would then be provided to you. Fill out the paperwork online and then hit the submit button.
In about an hour, you will receive the EIN for your business. It’s that simple. Just a little bit of your time, and you have the ID number needed to verify your business. The convenience of filling out paperwork online and receiving your new EIN via email makes it easy for you to continue working on other areas of your business.
Online Support
If you have trouble filling out the paperwork for your business EIN, you can easily access the Gov Doc Filing support team. Online 24/7, the support team can provide the assistance you need to complete the paperwork properly and be on your way to a new EIN.
Use this online service to easily set up your LLC with an EIN and be ready for business! Do not hesitate to seek assistance if you are unsure about the application or the overall process. Support is ready to help with any questions you may have.