Tips for Successful Installation of Wi-Fi Access Points 


To build wireless network infrastructure, a company has to consider installing multiple access points around their office. Access points are connected to a wired network that allows the devices to connect wirelessly via the access point. They are the foundation of wireless networking; so, it is essential to know how to install them properly.

Wi-Fi Access Points

Access points must be installed in strategic locations to provide maximum possible coverage. Depending on your infrastructure’s shape, size, and needs, access points must be placed at different locations.

To help your business understand the proper access point placement, we have jotted six guidelines to follow when installing Wi-Fi access points.

#1. Place access points where Wi-Fi will be used the most. 

The first thing you need to do to place the access points properly is determined where Wi-Fi networks will be used the most. The closer the device is to an access point, the better the connection will be. It doesn’t make any sense to place the access point in a location where it is barely used. So, make sure to place an access point in a room that uses a lot of Wi-Fi traffic.

#2. The precise access point placement

Access points need to be established in optimal locations to provide strong signals to cover areas. For best results, access points should be placed below a ceiling in an area that will boost signal strength in every key portion of the space.

However, it is highly recommended to follow the instructions of the Wi-Fi access point installer for an effective installation and best outcomes.

#3. Avoid coverage overlap

If you install the access points too close to each other, you are not optimizing the access point placement. Try to install one access point only to cover a specific area. This will help in avoiding coverage overlap.

#4. Wireless interference planning

Interference can bring down the performance and availability of the network. Experts recommend installing access points far away from electronic devices that emit electromagnetic signals. Moreover, place access points after considering the building materials around the locations to get the best coverage without interference.

#5. Indoor vs. outdoor access point placement

If you want your wireless network to extend outdoors, you need to install the outdoor access points. It is highly suggested to take the expert help if you want the points to be installed at the right locations, whether it is indoor or outdoor.

#6. Signal strength testing

After completing the installation of access points, you should perform signal strength tests to ascertain the efficiency of the access points. This will confirm how far each access point can reach and help you determine where to place the rest of the access points.