The divorce process differs from state to state; it is, however, defined as the ending of a valid marriage. A good marriage is what the state recognizes as a voluntary agreement between two adults to come together under a marriage agreement. This legal entity has a lot of influence in many legal matters between you and your spouse.
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Some situations would lead to an annulment of a marriage relationship, which is not equal to a divorce. This is where the marriage is declared void, attributed to facts like bigamy.
What Would Make Your Divorce Proceedings Easy?
What determines whether the Liaise Divorce proceedings will be easy is contested or uncontested in the following light:
1. Where your spouse does not want a divorce
2. Where your spouse disagrees with you on the grounds for the divorce
3. Where your spouse disagrees with you on the nature of your shared property
4. Where your spouse disagrees with you concerning the custody of your children
5. Where there is a disagreement on the finances
Where does one start?
Since the main objective of any society is to establish coexistence, a divorce would speak contrary to the social fabric, so you and your spouse have to show legally acceptable reasons for the dissolution of the marriage relationship. In some states, it begins with a legal separation, which allows you to live apart from your spouse.
What You Need to Know About Split Custody
More and more couples are coming up with split custody arrangements as part of their divorce agreement in the recent past. While many people who are divorcing would prefer a full custody arrangement where they would be allowed to keep the children while the other spouse is entitled to regular visitation and is required to pay child support, more divorce courts are now strongly recommending that a split custody arrangement be made instead, for the wellbeing of the children.
Split custody, or rotating or divided control, refers to a couple with more than one child dividing the children among themselves. The children can then permanently stay with one parent or be rotated between them, spending equal time with each parent. Most of the time, the parents in such an arrangement still share legal custody (the right to make decisions concerning the children) of all the children and have physical custody of at least one child.
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The courts usually look at what will be in the child’s best interests while developing a custody arrangement for the parents. Most states allow for such an arrangement, and several experts recommend them as they are better for the child than having one parent disappear completely from their life. The amount of money to be contributed towards the support of the children is calculated, considering the amount of income made by each. State laws on custody regulate all this.
Parents are usually allowed to develop their parenting schedule that determines how often and when each parent will have access to each child. Experts advise that very young children should not be kept away from either parent for too long, which is why split week arrangements are common in young children. For older children getting busier in school, meetings where the child stays with one parent for up to 2 weeks are permissible.